Waterfall Tumburano in Konkep district. This waterfall is a natural tourist sites are quite amazing. |
ZONANGOPI - Southeast Sulawesi (Sulawesi) is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has a tourism attraction that counts and deserves to be visited by tourists.
However, there are many number of tours in Southeast Sulawesi, which is not yet known by the public and they need to campaign to introduce this travel inside the country and abroad. The following references 7 Travel that you must visit in 2016 zonasultra.com version:
1. Samparona
Tourism is located in District Sorawolio, 13 km from the center of Bau-Bau. To reach the waterfall Samparona, tourists can explore by foot footpath and through rice fields and gardens of the population and fairly dense tropical forests.
This tourist attraction is approximately 7 km from the edge of the road poroses District / City of Bau-Bau-Market Wajo. Waterfall with a height of almost 100 meters is enough to discharge water which is always great, able to eliminate fatigue after walking away. Coupled with the natural atmosphere of the mountains presents the cool air and tropical forests are still unexploited contains various bird species.
2. Walengkabola
Muna is one of the island is quite interesting in the Southeast. With the condition of the island composed by karst rock, making Muna became islands seem hard because in some places have the environmental conditions dry and barren.
However, in some locations, Muna offers its own charm. When we visited the village Oempu, Walengkabola, where we will be presented by the beautiful coastal scenery and the friendliness of its people although to achieve this village we have to go through a fairly arid areas only covered by bushes.
Entering the village, the houses on stilts lined up along the road by a stone wall. Somewhere, looked residents carrying jerry cans, tool carts bath or water carrier. In that place, there is apparently a spring in a cave used by residents for bathing and washing.
Caves with the freshwater springs is very interesting because in several places in the village Oempu, Walengkabola, so that the population does not only depend on the cave, but there are more than three outside the little wells that are used for drinking water.
In addition to the caves with springs, village Oempu, Walengkabola also has a karst lakes are blue. In one of the lakes, are used as tourist attractions, where each holiday season is visited by people from outside Walengkabola. This brackish water lake is also used to preserve sea turtles. That said, these lakes are connected by a cave that is connected to the sea.
Likewise caves that have springs are also associated with the sea through a cave, little had been explored by cave divers from France, Australia and Spain.
Oempu village, Walengkabola also offers white sandy beaches are quite lovely with some palm trees waving. In one corner of the village has also been made a sort of gazebo to enjoy the beautiful beaches and in seberah appear Buton Island.
3. Blue Lake
North Kolaka (Kolut), silence, crystal clear water and views of limestone walls towering into a scene hard to forget when setting foot travel diobjek blue lake is located in the county Kolaka travel utara.Objek blue lake Wawo village is located within approximately 20 km from the district capital Lasusua Kolut.
Sultra travel
These tours provide a special experience for every tourist who visit. for you are saturated with a pile of problems in your daily life, then attraction blue lake is a great destination to waive all tired. in addition to lovers of photography, the beauty of the limestone walls and the blue waters of the lake will inspire you to make a beautiful photo.
In addition to offering panoramic beauty of nature, one attraction is also a story that is trusted by society Kolut.
According to residents who are around this attraction, long time ago there was a princess mokole who seek peace in the forest because of an unfulfilled desire and when the princess left the place silent tiba2 formed a lake now known as the blue lake.
Until now, the district government of North Kolaka (Kolut) continues to make improvements in place this attraction to boost the number of visitors and increase revenue from tourism native.
North Kolaka optimistic government will generate more local revenue from the tourism sector in line with the proclaimed as a tourist town in the north of Southeast Sulawesi. (Pariwisatasultra.com)
4. Tumburano
Konawe Islands (Konkep) or more familiarly known Wawonii Island, is a new district that bloomed in 2013 ago. This area is an extension of the area Konawe Southeast Sulawesi (Sulawesi).
Niagara Tumburano is contained in the washing region Tumburano Village, District of North Wawonii. This waterfall is a tourist place is very crowded in tourist visit either salty or Local travelers.
Despite its distance from residential areas far enough away but Wawonii island communities rely heavily on these attractions. It can be seen from the many people of this island from various benjuru visiting these sights what if the holidays, such as Eid al-Fitra, Eid al-Adha and other holidays.
These baths distance from residential areas is approximately seven kilometers. The pathway that connects the residential area with baths are little footpath. To be able to reach the location of the baths could use two-wheeled vehicles. Even then, when the dry season. But what if the rainy season, can only be reached by foot.
One interesting thing is, along the journey toward baptism, we run through farmland and plantation residents are covered with various kinds of commodities, such as oil, cokolate, nutmeg, assorted fruit trees and others. After arriving at the location permandia, which we can enjoy the atmosphere of the forest is still dense and sustainable. These conditions give rise to extraordinary cold atmosphere. This atmosphere makes visitors feel at home and find it hard to leave this place.
5. Island Labengki
Labengki island located in the village Labengki, District Lasolo, North Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The distance is about 70 km from the city center Kendari. The island consists of several large coral islands and small coral islands. So Labengki Island is divided into Labengki Pulau Besar and Pulau Small Labengki.
Sultra travel
On this island there are many diving spots. Location to be one of the favorite locations for divers. Besides diving, you can also go snorkeling course. The scenery is beautiful, the seawater was clear blue. Several beaches on the island has white sand hamaparan. Make anyone who comes here to be at home.
Moreover, here too there is one species of giant clams Kimaboe the world. Kima itself is a kind of shell that is large enough. Size clams in the region can reach up to 50 cm and is the second largest species of giant clams in the world. So that in this region there are also breeding for a number of species of clams.
On the island is not there something like a hotel, inn or a diner. We encourage you to bring food and drinks alone. Or if you prefer, you can fish in the area of the island and fish from the fishing can you burn to be enjoyed.
Meanwhile, when want to stay, you can set up a tent in the area around the island. Or get lodging around downtown Kendari.Pulau Labengki is about 70 km from the city of Kendari.
From downtown, you can go directly to the Port of Kendari. Most ships or boats in the harbor is not standby for 24 hours every day and does not operate. From the port, you can rent a boat or a boat to get to the island Labengki. The rent rates vary depending on your agreement with the pengemudi.Waktu might take four to five hours of travel, depending on the weather.
6. Tamborasi
Tamborasi river is the river which are very short, only has a length of 20 meters and width of 15 meters. With this measure Tamborasi River listed as the second shortest river in the world after Reprua River in Georgia with a length of 18 meters. This river has a very dazzling beauty unlike most rivers are often encountered.
Located beach area make this river so different. This river seem like a lake, but the flow of water flowing prove that this is the river. River water comes from a spring located between rock cliffs that fresh, green and very calm water with lake water at first glance similar, but here the water is actually flowing. Upstream on the river is directly related to sea Beach Tamborasi.
Location of River Tamborasi the lip line Tamborasi Beach just be some meters away. Obviously, this flood plains of sand beach. The second view of the river taborasi Kolaka Sulawesi tenggarakondisi water between the beach and the river is much different. The water in the river was cool and fresh, but felt to be warm coastal waters. So when visiting this Tamborasi visitors will have two pieces of choice for swimming or soaking Cuma. Berhinpitan river conditions directly with cliff walls and trees rooted to the bottom of the river make this river was cool despite being on the beach.
There are also myths that spread among citizens about this Tamborasi. It is said that when visitors there who could tie a rope to the tree roots on the banks of the river, locals believe mate will come soon or the relationship will work in harmony. And if lucky, visitors will encounter endemic hairy monkey Tamborasi namely gold and seabirds around the beach area Tamborasi.
Rivers and Beaches Tamborasi located in the village Tamborasi, District Wolo, Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi Province.
There are several options if they want access to the tourist attractions of this Tamborasi. The first can be memalui air with ruter drive from Sultan Agung Makassar to service sangia Nibandera Kolaka Airport takes about 50 minutes. Coud use with land access routes from Kendari to Kolaka to take a 3-4 hour drive.
When using sea access can be reached from the Port of Makassar to Port Bajo in Bone regency. Latency of 3 hours, then from the Port Bajo to Port Kolaka by ferry, with a travel time of 8 hours.
From the center of Kolaka to Tamborasi River takes 1-2 hours, with a distance of approximately 90 kilometers in the direction of travel utara.Ditempat there have been some of the facilities that can be used, there is a gazebo as a place to rest, rinse madi room and some food vendors tents. For the problem of accommodation in the city are advised to seek Kolaka.
7. Wawolesea
Not many know, the thermal baths travel Wawolesea (Wales) saves a pile of beautiful natural panorama. Natural attractions located on the peninsula of the island of Sulawesi Tenggara, precisely in North Konawe, District Lasolo, Wawolesea village is secured sexy and stimulating your travel tastes.
Located between limestone mountains, hundreds of hot springs with boiling bubbles unremitting hot water issuing from the earth. '
Sultra travel
But there is a little different from other travel hot water; if in the tourist hot water normally remove the water that tastes fresh, the hot water bath Wales issued rasanaya hot water salty, just like the sea, complete with the smell of sulfur is ready to pamper the skin of visitors with its natural ambience.
Of wells of hot water, the water then flows into a pool (naturally occurring) in the form of stairs (as sangkedan system in the rice fields). The form is stepped it became typical of this permadian.
Meanwhile, the bottom of the pool that is composed of white limestone rocks also add beautiful dozens of pools of hot water. When viewed from a distance, then you will see the gradations of blue water and blend with white chalk. So beautiful. If the visitor a little bit lucky, then animals such as monkeys, birds, and Jonga (deer) is ready to greet you.
Baptism Wales wrapped by lush pine trees also helped add to the natural atmosphere Wales. Visitors also do not have to are concerned with murky water, because hot water from the wells of the earth is constantly flowing so that the water circulation is maintained.
If not satisfied with hot water, then you can go up to subuah hill in the area and witnessed the exotic ocean views located on the east baths wales. Wales travel thermal baths can be accessed using two wheels and four wheels. From the city of Kendari, the journey to Wales will be reached about 120 minutes.
source: zonasultra.com
Travel Heaven Hidden in Southeast Sulawesi
Reviewed by Rwang Inspirasi
4:41:00 AM
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